Spravato: Smells Like the End of Depression

FDA Approves Ketamine-like nasal spray to combat depression
Can a hallucinogenic street drug be the answer to help millions of Americans treat their severe depression? The FDA believes so. On March 6th, the FDA approved Johnson & Johnson’s branded nasal spray Spravato, which will be the first major treatment-resistant depression medicine in decades. Although not directly related to our business, it is worth mentioning as the announcement has caused much commotion given Spravato’s close chemical relation to Ketamine, better known as the party drug “Special K.”
Ketamine, a schedule III drug, is known as one of the top three date rape drugs today. It is typically distributed at nightclubs, raves, or parties as either powder or more often a liquid base to slip into drinks. It can not only quickly leave unexpected victims unconscious or with loss of all muscle function but also addicted. A New Jersey, addiction treatment center has warned that the US regulator’s approval of Spravato might cause some to treat its relative, Ketamine, as a treatment rather than a drug of abuse. “It is important to remember that 1 in 5 individuals addicted to drugs is using street drugs to self-medicate their unmet mental health care needs,” says Indra Cidami, medical director at Center of Network Therapy.
Due to its high risk factor, the drug will only be available through a restricted distribution system, and it must be administered in a certified medical office where the health care provider can monitor the patient. Meaning people who may want the perceived benefit, but are not prescribed the drug could move to Ketamine as an option.
This is a story worth watching as Spravato works its way into the market.

FDA approves Ketamine-like nasal spray for depression
In a long journey to find treatment-resistant depression medicine, the FDA finally approved a solution that has brought with it a lot of mixed emotions. See it here.
Ketamine. Things you should know about the “Date Rape” drug.
Has the FDA made a major mistake with their recent approval? Understand the concerns behind the party drug, “Special K” and its link to Spravato.
Addiction center raises concerns over Ketamine approval
A New Jersey addiction center voices their concerns about Spravato. Their reaction to the news of FDA approval of this nasal spray is worth taking time to understand.