Gaming, Retail & F&B Is Full Of Challenges

With a Psychemedics hair test drug users in your business doesn't have to be one of them.


Create a Drug-Free Workplace

A Psychemedics Hair Test Is The Best Deterrent To Employee Drug Use

Detecting long term patterns of applicant or employee substance use is the first step to a drug-free workplace where excessive absenteeism, theft and accidents are an exception rather than the rule. The services industry is notable for more frequent employee drug use than other sectors. That comes with costs. In fact, Department of Labor data finds the services sector leads other industries for time-off-work incidents.

Psychemedics drug test data from 2015-2018 shows a national trend that should trouble any executive. Opioid use is trending down, but psychostimulants are rapidly moving up.

Services Industries Threats

Let that sink in.

Usage of two of the most dangerous and addictive drugs is rocketing up.

Certainty of Detection is the Best Deterrent.

We Detect substance use, and help you Deter the abuse that raises the costs and risks in your business.

Certainty of Detection is what we deliver. Deterrence is what you get.


Don't gamble on drug abusers.

Fill out this form for your FREE R.O.I. assessment. Spend 3-5 times less to keep 6-10 times more drug users away from your workplace.

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The world’s most recognized companies in the services industry use Psychemedics to reduce drug-related risks.


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Psychemedics’ patented drug screens and extensive wash process deliver the best detection rates in the industry. Clients tell us that our screens identify as much as 10X more users than urine and up to 3X more than other hair tests.


[bsf-info-box icon=”Defaults-filter” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#ffffff” icon_style=”advanced” icon_color_bg=”#009cd1″ icon_border_spacing=”” title=”Unmatched Deterrence” hover_effect=”style_2″ pos=”top”]

Certainty of detection is a powerful deterrent to drug use. SAMSHA studies show that drug users are less likely to apply at companies that test. Our unrivaled detection rates delivers certainty of Detection that Deters usage.


[bsf-info-box icon=”Defaults-gavel legal” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#ffffff” icon_style=”circle” icon_color_bg=”#009cd1″ title=”Unbeatable ROI” hover_effect=”style_2″ pos=”top”]Divide the total testing cost by users identified and you have the ROI foundation…”Cost-per-User Identified”. It is driven by detection rate, and Psychemedics detects more and costs less per detection than any drug test today.[/bsf-info-box]

Things You Should Know

Five Reasons Psychemedics Is The Services Industries Preferred Source For Drug Testing With Hair

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All Hair Testing Is NOT The Same

It is all about our numbers being better than other hair testing labs.

• Unrivaled detection rate that is 2-3X the others.

• 60% less hair required for testing.  No trauma.  No drama.

• The only lab with FDA 510k clearance for every drug screen.

• Fastest turnaround time.  The speed you need.

For the numbers that matter most, Psychemedics is just better.

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We Make Cheating The Test A Thing Of The Past

Urine is ideal when you want to identify usage in the past day or two. But our screens capture 90 days of usage patterns, enabling you to screen for habitual users and thwart short-term abstinence as an evasion tactic.

All the while detecting up to 6-10X more users than a urine test.

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Poly Usage Is A Threat. Nobody Detects It Better.

Poly users are those people who mix drugs. For 30 years no test has detected more drugs. And when you try to identify the drug users in your business risking overdose or death through poly usage that certainty of detection is important.

  • At least 1-in-5 users are poly users.
  • Cocaine and Amphetamines use is expanding rapidly.
  • These drugs are often laced with Fentanyl. Overdose or death is a real threat.

Psychemedics has detected more drug use for more organizations than any hair test lab.

Certainty of Detection is the BEST Deterrent.

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Deters Usage. Reduces Risks. Lowers Liabilities.

Certainty of Detection is the Best Deterrent.

We say that often and it is proven true every day. As word gets out that you drug test with Psychemedics, you will find applicant and employee positive rates dropping. Many people won’t risk getting caught and change behavior or move on. Check online job forums. “Do they hair test” comes up often. That is where deterrence starts.

Hire drug-free. Employ drug-free. Create a drug-free workplace.

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Numbers That Will Make Any CEO Happy.

Why add Psychemedics to your program?

• Reduces financial risks and liabilities by creating a drug-free workforce.

• Delivers a 2-6X lower cost-per-user identified than any other test.

• And it just may pay for itself as you go.

The costs of a Psychemedics drug test are a rounding error when you consider every drug user costs your organization $10,000-$20,000 or more. Ask for an ROI assessment and see how Psychemedics returns more for every dollar you spend while you are creating a more risk-free business.


One of your applicants is a chronic drug user. Can you point to which one?

Psychemedics can.

For the past thirty years, we have done it every day.

The Psychemedics Advantage

Your objective is a drug-free workplace.

Your challenge is to Detect and Deter usage.

Unrivaled Detection. Unmatched Deterrence.

That is the Psychemedics advantage.

Drug News You Can Use

Sign up for our quarterly newsletter to stay up-to-date with snapshots of usage statistics, information on the latest trends, and updates on detection science.

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