Below is a compelling article about the need to drug test your teenager. Psychemedics offers an at home drug test for parents concerned about drug use. Buy a PDT-90 At Home Drug Testing Test here.
“A drug crisis is sweeping America and it’s killing our children.
Parents be warned. We have now entered the culture of ”Pharma-geddon.” Kids are sneaking pills, drinking alcohol, and using illegal street drugs at an alarming rate. Even heroin, once considered the last outpost on the way to junkie-town, is now disturbingly common.”
Buy Our PDT-90 AT Home Drug Testing Kit Today
Parents can administer the test in the privacy of their own homes. Just collect a small sample of a child’s hair, send the sample to the Psychemedics laboratory and receive notification of the results within 3-5 business days of receipt of the sample at the laboratory. The ‘PDT-90’ includes all instructions plus a pre-paid mailing envelope for the sample. No names are used so complete confidentiality is assured.