Instant Testing

Instant Drug Testing

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We appreciate your interest in the Instant Test solution.  However this product is no longer available from Psychemedics. If you are interested in Personal Drug Testing, please have a look at our PDT-90 drug testing kit for use at home.

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PDT-90 At Home Personal Drug Testing Kit

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Why choose the PDT-90 at home drug test over other home kits?

  • Analyzes for 12 drugs (7 illicit drugs and 5 prescription drugs)
  • Smallest amount of hair required (other labs need 2-3 times the amount of hair)
  • FDA-cleared screen for either head or body hair
  • Fully accredited laboratory
  • Most accurate/sensitive test available
  • The “Gold Standard” of hair testing

Buy PDT-90 At Home Personal Drug Testing Kit today
Just collect a small sample of hair—at least 1/2 inch long and about the diameter of a #2 pencil lead , send the sample to the Psychemedics laboratory and receive notification of the results within 3-5 business days of our receipt of the sample. The “PDT-90” includes all instructions plus a pre-paid mailing envelope for the sample. No names are used so complete confidentiality is assured.

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Plus Free Shipping

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