Dear DOT: Is hair testing for drugs just better?

Commercial Carrier Journal just ran an informative article on the regulatory delays in adding hair testing to DOT drug test mandates. In the article, excerpts from the recent Psychemedics-hosted panel discussion with three trucking industry Safety Vice Presidents on drug testing are highlighted.
Safety Executives from KLLM Transport Services, Maverick USA, and US Xpress share extremely compelling, real world data comparing applicant testing with hair and urine. The advantages of hair testing for drugs of abuse to find chronic, or “lifestyle” users before they move through a hiring process are pretty clear. And the financial benefits to these companies when not spending money to advance applicants who would ultimately wash out of the process are significant.
Because the tests detailed by these industry executives were administered simultaneously—a urine test and hair test given to driver applicants at the same time—they give an accurate comparison of detection differences. Beyond that, they paint a very compelling picture of just why it is so important to run the best screen possible when hiring for safety sensitive positions.
You can see all that by clicking the button to the article below.
We hope you will find the article as impactful as we did.

Regulatory limbo. As larger carriers tout the benefits of hair sample drug testing, mandated testing reforms are nowhere in sight.