A stoned classroom, dangerous games and a pissed-off union.

Just Another Week In Our Dopey World
This week we are pulling stories from a mixed bag because combined they are all good stories and reminders that the people who use or put addictive substances out there really have no idea just how or when they will make the news.
In Portland Oregon, two students decided that instead of bringing apples for the teacher, they’d bring THC edibles for their classmates. Maybe they should have brought cookies too for the wave of massive munchies that likely hit the classroom after students ingested enough that they had to be sent home. Disciplinary action on the horizon. That said, a great reminder that the work we do is important—especially when it is keeping kids away from drugs in any form. Deterrence. Our word for the day.
In our second piece, poly users are the topic.The article highlights “kitty flipping” and the worst kinds of poly usage, mixing hallucinogens with other drugs. The UN Office on Crime and Drugs reports a continuing increase in poly usage. And with drugs like Cocaine and Xanax being combined with Fentanyl some users are becoming poly users without knowing. Since poly users are more prone to become addicts, it is a trend worth talking to customers about.
And finally—-some labor unions are fed up with opioid overuse. Big Pharma, and some of the Little Pharma players as well, got the attention of two Illinois unions for irresponsible marketing of opioids. And those unions join a growing list of other companies filing lawsuits that might do what the government has not been able to….make opioids an unattractive alternative to produce, distribute or supply to….make opioids an unattractive alternative to produce, distribute or supply (legally).

Drugs on campuses and in workplaces. Poly users who are in danger of dying or becoming long-term addicts. All reasons that drug detection and deterrence are two themes that should continue having an interested audience for years to come.
Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, and…EDIBLES? You can find this stoner classroom in Oregon.
When edibles made it to one Oregon classroom the campus was buzzing. Literally. This story paints a picture of just how diligent schools need to be in the face of “smokeless” pot.
“Kitty Flipping” is not a game. Unless you think frying your brain on drugs qualifies.
Mixing multiple drugs to get a higher high or a lower low is sport to a growing number of enthusiasts. It is a game that is rife with danger and a price too high to ignore.
Two Illinois unions are suing Big Pharma for endangering workers and workplaces.
Trade unions can be notoriously protective of their members. Two in Illinois are fed up with opioids at work, taking on Pharma companies in court to disrupt the supply.