At the Drug and Alcohol Testing Industry Association’s (DATIA) Annual Conference at the Doral Resort and Spa, DATIA Chairman, Dr. David M. Martin, in his opening address predicted that a new wave of drug abuse would be hitting America. He cited a report that will be released this month in the Journal of Health Affairs of a seven-year study tracking broadband access and hospital admissions for substance abuse. The study reported that for every increase in broadband access there was a corresponding increase in hospital admissions for prescription drug abuse while admissions for alcohol, heroin and cocaine remained the same or decreased.
“What this means is that America is facing an exponential epidemic of drug abuse never before seen in the recorded history of human addictions,” said Dr. Martin. He went on to state, “Powerful prescription drugs are available overnight on the Internet or you can walk into a “Pain Clinic” and get your drug of choice instantly. No longer is the drug pusher a thug in the dangerous part of town, he is a medical professional working on the Internet or in a pain clinic.” Dr. Martin pointed out that the medical marijuana and drug legalization lobby are creating a dangerous endorsement of drug abuse that is starting in America and will spread to Europe, China, and worldwide within the next year. The cost to society and the economy will be enormous, as the results will be increased accidents, sick time, hospital admissions, absenteeism and lower productivity globally.