To stop drug abuse is the Best Defense a Great Offense?
In the first two installments of our Rebuilding A Workplace series, we looked at the impacts of prolonged periods of stress on substance abuse, and some of the drug trends to watch as we return to work. We shared data highlighting the changing threat profile, and the risks of not adapting to it.
In this third installment, “Playing Defense. Things To Know About Detection & Deterrence” we look at the interdependency between a certainty of detection and deterrence.
George Washington, Jack Dempsey, and Vince Lombardi all believed action trumps reaction. As we rebuild a workplace after COVID-19, their philosophy certainly has a place while we navigate the risks that are likely to come.
This quick read lays out the case that playing defense is a reactive tactic while playing offense is proactive. A proactive approach is the best approach to stemming substance abuse.
Missed Part 1
and 2?
If you missed other installments in our series, you can find Part 1 here and Part 2 here.